The following casting schemes are supported on iOS devices:

  About Sample  
help AirPlay x  
help Google Cast Cast basic sample  


This article describes the steps required for adding support for the AirPlay functionality on iOS devices. AirPlay (developed by Apple Inc.) enables wireless streaming of audio, video, photos and more between devices.

Add the AirPlay Functionality

  1. Enable the Audio, Airplay, and Picture in the Picture background mode.
  2. In Xcode 8, select a target, and then under Capabilities > Background Modes, enable Audio, Airplay and Picture in Picture.

    AirPlay Functionality

  3. Import MediaPlayer, create an MPVolumeView, and then add it to your view as follows:
let airPlayBtn = MPVolumeView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 44, height: 44))
airPlayBtn.showsVolumeSlider = false

Optional: Customize the image of the AirPlay button as follows:

airPlayBtn.setRouteButtonImage(UIImage(named: "name"), for: UIControlState.normal)

Adding Support for Google Cast on iOS devices.

This article describes how to add support for Google Cast on iOS devices.

Install Google Cast

Add the following to your pod file:

pod "PlayKit/GoogleCastAddon", :git => '', :tag => PLAYKIT_TAG.

Import the Required Files

Next, import the following:

import GoogleCast
import PlayKit

For example, to reach the GCKGoogleCastContext you’ll need the import GoogleCast. To reach OVP/OTT-CastBuilder you’ll need import PlayKit.


To begin casting, you’ll need to create a GCKMediaInformation by using a CastBuilder: either OVPCastBuilder or TVPAPICastBuilder.

Example of Casting Using OVPCastBuilder

do {
	var media: GCKMediaInformation? = nil
	media = try OVPCastBuilder()
                    .set(ks: ks)
                    .set(contentId: entryId)
                    .set(adTagURL: adTagURL)
                    .set(uiconfID: uiconfId)
                    .set(partnerID: partnerId)
                    .set(metaData: metaData)

	if let m = media {
                self.load(mediaInformation: m)    

Example of Casting Using TVPAPICastBuilder

	do {
	var media: GCKMediaInformation? = nil
 	media = try TVPAPICastBuilder()
                    .set(contentId: entryId)
                    .set(uiconfID: uiconfId)
                    .set(partnerID: partnerId)
                    .set(metaData: metaData)
                    .set(initObject: initObject)
                    .set(format: format)

	if let m = media {
                self.load(mediaInformation: m)    

Loading Media

Next, use the loadmedia to load the required media:

private func load(mediaInformation:GCKMediaInformation) -> Void {
    let session =  GCKCastContext.sharedInstance().sessionManager.currentCastSession
    if let currentSession = session,  
    	let remoteMediaClient = currentSession.remoteMediaClient {
            remoteMediaClient.loadMedia(mediaInformation, autoplay: true)

Custom Data

To add custom data:

private func customData(mediaMetaData: MediaMetadataData?) ->  GCKMediaMetadata {
        let metaData = GCKMediaMetadata(metadataType:
        if let title = mediaMetaData?.title {
            metaData.setString(title, forKey: kGCKMetadataKeyTitle)
        if let subtitle = mediaMetaData?.subtitle {
            metaData.setString(subtitle, forKey: kGCKMetadataKeySubtitle)
        if let images = mediaMetaData?.imageUrls {
        for image in images {
                guard let urlString = image.URL,
                    let url = URL(string:urlString),
                    let sheight = image.height,
                    let swidth = image.width,
                    let width = Int(swidth),
                    let hight = Int(sheight)
                    else {
                metaData.addImage(GCKImage(url:url , width:width , height:hight))
        return metaData

Adding Support for Advertisements on Cast Media

To add support for advertisements:

  1. Add an ad tag URL to the cast builder as follows:
media = try OVPCastBuilder()
.set(adTagURL: gcAddonData.params?.adTagURL)

  1. Next, set the adInfoParserDelegate in the remoteMediaClient to AdInfoParser (a class from the PlayKit) as follows:
private func load(mediaInformation:GCKMediaInformation) -> Void {
    let session =  GCKCastContext.sharedInstance().sessionManager.currentCastSession
    if let currentSession = session,  let remoteMediaClient = currentSession.remoteMediaClient {
        remoteMediaClient.loadMedia(mediaInformation, autoplay: true)
        //add the following raw
        remoteMediaClient.adInfoParserDelegate = AdInfoParser.shared

Have Questions or Need Help?

Check out the Kaltura Player SDK Forum page for different ways of getting in touch.